Using Mobile Search Marketing to Find Your Business’s Target Audience
It should come as no surprise that mobile search marketing is outpacing just about every other form of marketing, given the ultra-competitive smartphone and tablet sectors. Tech companies are simply responding to the impressive numbers gathered by Google: mobile...
Search Marketing is More Than a Number
Since its invention, Search Engine Marketing (or SEM) has become a vital part of the advertising world. Used by companies and businesses to direct people towards their website, SEM can easily reach more people than any billboard, flyer, or commercial ever would. It...
What’s the Difference Between a Mobile Compatible Site and a Fully Responsive Site?
When it comes to viewing content on a screen, not all users are created equal. Some have tablets, some prefer desktop computers and some use smart phones. Many have all of these devices and go between them interchangeably. Your website can't just be optimized for...
Blogging and SEO: The Perfect Pair
Blogs are an increasingly common feature on business websites. If your company doesn't have a blog that gets updated regularly, it is in the minority. In fact, a recent survey found that 65% of companies had blogs in 2011, and that number has only increased since...
How to Create a Content Marketing Culture to Drive Traffic to Your Site and Generate Leads
Content marketing is the new law of the land in terms of how businesses engage customers, drive sales and generate leads. Every piece of content your business produces should help drive traffic and further your company goals. The best way to make sure every piece of...
How to Find Your Target Audience on Social Media
As someone who manages social media for your business, you're probably always on the hunt for new and innovative ways to explore and utilize this powerful medium to your advantage. Reaching your target audience on social media sites takes a little work and dedication,...
It’s Time to Upgrade Your Site to Responsive Design
Responsive web design is a critical element of your business, fostering a versatile connection between you and your users. Nearly 70% of users say they are more likely to buy something from a mobile-friendly website, according to . Sure, is a big part of your digital...
Top Social Media Sites for Realtors
A career in real estate can be exciting and rewarding, but it can also be fickle. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that realtors made anywhere between $20,700 and $95,540 in 2012. This large gap has to do with it being a commission based industry: if a realtor...