As Google continues to alter its mighty search algorithms to better push targeted and relevant content to the forefront of their search results, savvy web marketers must change their tactics to keep up in the rankings. The search highway is littered with techniques of yesteryear that no longer work very well for ranking your site, but the ones that stick revolve around content and authority sites. Basically, this means you must have good content, and that content must be linked to high Pagerank-websites, which act as arrows to direct both traffic and search signals to your site. Here’s how eBay and Amazon could help improve your site’s rankings.


Taking Account of the E-Commerce Giants

The e-commerce giants Amazon and eBay are very highly-ranked sites with countless millions of visitors each day. Furthermore, they have high authority, which means that if you can get backlinks from these sites the profile of your website can be raised significantly. Amazon has a quarter-billion customer accounts, which makes it supremely beneficial to a website that can leverage even a tiny fraction of these with targeted marketing methods on the Amazon platform. The same goes for eBay.

The sheer size of an online store like Amazon’s means that the e-commerce giant is like a search engine unto itself. By using the right methods to list your products and reviews, you can corral much of the traffic searching for specific, long-tail keywords and direct them toward your products. For example, the product title field is especially important, and proper use of it can place your listing above the competitors’. Just keep in mind while optimizing your site and products that Amazon has different SEO signals than Google; people go to the former to buy products—the latter, to find information. One major difference this inspires is that relevant keyword stuffing works a lot better when trying to rank in Amazon than it does in Google.


How to Get Backlinks from Amazon and eBay

Neither Amazon nor eBay allow HTML code in product reviews, so it can prove difficult to obtain backlinks from them—but there are a very few places where it’s possible. Usually, these require that you provide something of value to the reader, and minimize the possibility of “gaming” their search engines to promote shoddy products as better than they really are.

Many of the same techniques also hold true for eBay. If you have an offsite website and want to sell items that might also be found on eBay, you can pen an informative article surrounding the subject and publish it on eBay—with a backlink to your site in your profile. On Amazon, you can’t write articles, but you can write reviews; you can hyperlink your profile to a website of your choosing (as long as it complies with Amazon’s terms of conditions) and receive the powerful link credit the website provides.

The link is nofollow, so to really benefit from it you need to write great reviews for many products—this increases the chances that visitors to your profile will actually continue on to the web address to check it out. It’s a good idea to make this a landing page that has a measure of relevance to the products you’ve reviewed, so that they stay awhile and interact with your website. For eBay, writing those informative articles accomplishes a similar result.

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