Responsive web design is a critical element of your business, fostering a versatile connection between you and your users. Nearly 70% of users say they are more likely to buy something from a mobile-friendly website, according to . Sure, is a big part of your digital marketing strategy, but now it’s time to employ a focus that offers a seamless transition between devices.
What is Responsive Web Design (RWD)?
Responsive Web Design involves the blending of design and development so based on factors like platform, screen size and orientation. It involves a mixture of grids, layouts, text and images that are, at their core, flexible and versatile, allowing your users to switch back and forth from viewing your website on a desktop or laptop computer, their smart phone or a tablet. An automatic switch occurs that is designed to accommodate for not only resolution and the size of the graphics but also the scripting abilities of the device. In essence, you use RWD to respond to the needs of your customers, virtually doing away with the need for different design and development phases meant for every gadget out there on the market.
Benefits of RWD: Google is King
A responsive web design is beneficial for both owner and user. Why? Because Google says so. In a nutshell, that’s one pretty compelling reason to invest in RWD. As Google’s recommended mobile configuration, RWD encompasses just one URL and HTML no matter what the device the user is on. This makes it much easier for searching, organizing content, indexing and drawing search results. On the other hand, if you have a separate site for mobile and desktop, the HTML will be different, thereby forcing Google to go through this process separately for all versions of what is essentially the same site. This is important because more than 20% of Google searches are made on mobile devices, and and not a desktop.
Easier to Manage
In short, RWD makes your website easier to view, navigate and manage. It stands to reason that if your potential customers can access and navigate your website easily, they may be more inclined to stay awhile and make a purchase. A better user experience equals more convenient navigation for users. Make the user happy and you’re golden. If someone visits your site and can’t immediately find what they need, they get frustrated and leavein fact, 61% of the time, they will just visit another website. On the other hand, if they don’t have to scroll and resize everything when they’re on your website and they can easily find what they’re searching for, they’re 67% more likely to buy something or use your service.
Boost Conversion Rates
You can use RWD to your benefit, specifically for increasing conversion rates. Don’t have a mobile-friendly design? Your users can’t convert. Not a good thing, especially when you consider the fact that nearly 70% of tablet users made a purchase on that device in the last month. If your potential customers have to do a lot of work just to make a purchase, it’s highly unlikely they’ll complete that transaction.
Without RWD, your future in the online business world doesn’t look too promising, as your customers will eventually ditch your website and . With more than 60% of mobile phone users owning a smart phone, this is a significant reason to get on the RWD bandwagonnow.