The days of physically going to a store to make a purchase may be a thing of the past; shopping online is now the new normal. In fact, according to a study published in the Wall Street Journal, seventy percent of Americans prefer to shop from their favorite retailers online. Half of people who own smartphones and sixty percent of those who own tablets regularly use them to make purchases. In other words, online shopping is big business and online shoppers are big fish; marketing specifically to them can help your business reach its financial goals.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that as technology expands, the human attention span seems to shrink. It is not uncommon for someone to visit your site intending to make a purchase only to be interrupted by another task before they complete the process. This is why Google Remarketing is so important: it can mean the difference between losing customers’ attention for a few minutes or hours and losing the customer altogether.


What is Google Remarketing?

Remarketing essentially gives you a second chance to make a first impression with internet users, allowing you to deliver targeted ads to people who have previously visited your site. Many computer users visit sites and leave before purchasing anything—this is the target audience for remarketing. It allows you to reconnect with potential customers by showing ads to your site visitors when they surf other sites. Remarketing gives you the ability to show ads to users who have previously visited your site when they search for something via Google, show ads that are based on the way a customer interacted with your site (these ads can show details such as product image, price, and title), and show your mobile app users your ads while they use other apps.

The way remarketing works is rather simple: when shoppers come to your site, they are automatically added to a remarketing list. This is done via a piece of code—a remarketing tag—that is embedded in select pages of your site.


Giving Shoppers What They Want

With Google Remarketing, you have the power to design all kinds of effective campaigns. But how exactly do you go about this? Perhaps the easiest way is to think like an online shopper. Two of the main reasons many people shop online are for the sake of convenience and to hunt down discounts. Armed with this information, give the people what they want. A remarketing campaign that focuses on advertising deals, clearance sales, or expedited free shipping is a campaign that speaks to the heart of many of those purchasing all kinds of products online.


Showing Different Product Categories

Another way to create an effective campaign is to show different shoppers different product categories. You can do this by creating a remarketing list for each product category. Doing this allows you to send targeted ads to specific demographics of customers. If you own a shoe company, for instance, and one online customer was previously viewing basketball shoes while one was viewing high heels, you’ll want to entice them back to your site with products similar to those in which they were already interested.


Reminding Customers About Shopping Carts

Probably just about every web user in history has filled up a shopping cart with a variety of products, only to change their mind, get distracted, or otherwise abandon it. These customers are a valuable audience and should be a focal point of your campaign; they were already enticed enough to shop for your product—closing the deal should be fairly easy with a Google Remarketing campaign designed to draw these customers back to their carts.

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