Why Use Email Marketing for Your Business?
If your exposure to email marketing has primarily been as the recipient of unwanted spam messages, you may have developed some negative feelings about the medium. But issued correctly, email marketing can be one of the most cost-effective and potent agents in any...
PPC Online Marketing: The Best Starting Point for Small Businesses
As one of the most effective ways to generate leads online, businesses consistently choose pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to help promote their business. Developing the SEO to get your site ranked for competitive keywords can take years of work. With PPC...
Establishing a Mobile Marketing Strategy
There may be no greater omen of the coming dominance of the mobile platform than the recent release of Google Hummingbird. Between the proliferation of smartphones and the huge degree of importance for social media on that platform, it’s never been more important to...
How to Generate, Manage and Close Leads on LinkedIn
Used correctly, LinkedIn is a powerful ally in your ongoing quest to generate, manage, and close leads. As the most used B2B marketing channel, many aspects of the LinkedIn site are already designed to help you do just that. And it’s often worth the effort: a recent...
Marketing Your Brand on Google +
It’s clear that the ultimate goal of Google+ isn’t to become just another Facebook clone. Rather than imitate what other networks do well, Google+ is designed to serve as a foundational layer for interaction between the world of social media and search engines. That’s...
Tips for Responding to Negative Online Reviews … and Why You Shouldn’t Avoid It
If you're wondering whether you should respond to negative feedback on social sites such as Facebook and Yelp, there's only one thing you need to know. According to a , last year nearly seven out of ten consumers (68%) who wrote a negative comment on a social...
What is Google Hummingbird?
Every major update to the Google algorithm has meant a drastic ensuing change for web developers everywhere. Google Panda brought in new penalties for designing content for search engines rather than readers. Shortly thereafter, Google Penguin closed some of the more...
Yelp Advertising vs. Google Adwords vs. Facebook Advertising
From pricing models to the type of ads offered, Facebook , Yelp, and Google have more than a few things in common. To the untrained eye, it may even seem that there are only minor or subtle differences that differentiate them. While these superficial similarities can...